Justin Nemeth
Justin, a native New Yorker, is a global soul residing in Korea. A graduate of NYU, Shanghai Theater, and Esper, Justin has written, produced, and performed work in NYC, Shanghai, and Seoul. Justin is actively trying to develop transpacific, multilingual theater and film. With Uncertainty Principle ("UP") Creative Company Justin intends to create Meisner-method based performance workshops to help bring Meisner to Seoul and to also begin the process of creating bilingual multicultural theater. Justin is currently teaming up with UP to co-produce Seoul Culture Club, through which he wants to create and cultivate a dynamic, creative environment for Seoul's multicultural artists.
Performing arts festival held by artists from six cultures will be held in Eulji Space, Jung-gu, Seoul
Justin Nemeth, who was in charge of planning the performance, said, "I hope that this performance will be a starting point for migrants like me to exchange their culture and arts with Koreans as well as other migrants," adding, "I hope it will be a starting point for Korea's culture and arts to become more abundant."
Link -> https://www.edaily.co.kr/news/read?newsId=02978246635803752